Clinical Supervision

Clinical supervisions

In our Centre take place clinical supervisions carry out by outstanding specialist in Chinese medicine: professors and other lecturers from Chinese Medical Institute and Health Prophylaxis.

The GOAL of supervision is a CLINICAL CONSULTATION IS DIFFICULT previously treated cases with methods of Chinese medicine or Western medicine without clearly improvement the health of the patient. Supervision is the equivalent of a medical consultation, led by Professor along with other practicing specialists in Chinese medicine.

In addition to conducting supervision of foreign specialist there is an assistance of involved other doctors and therapists practicing Chinese medicine (up to 6 therapists and translator). Following patient visit, under the guidance of professor (with possibly assistance of other doctors and TCM therapists) the strategy of patient treatment is established. The herbal treatment and/or additional acupuncture, acupressure, moxa  could be given by professor or other designated by professor therapist.

It is advisable, that in supervision should take part patients treated already with Chinese medicine methods (not necessarily at the Chinese Medicine Centre in Krakow). It is also possible attendance of a new patients, with complicated or more difficult to treat diseases. During supervision, the patient is examined by the teacher  and possibly also by others assisting physicians and/or TCM therapists. Patient could have acupuncture or other treatment which is suggested by professor.  The patient can also receive prescription and possibly  dietary advices and other recommendations for further treatment.

It is advisable that the patient could come with their own doctor or TCM therapist TMC who was already treating the patient. Pt should have a history of previous therapy. If the patient does not have a personal physician/therapist yet, one can choose from the doctors or therapists present on supervision (or another suggested by a professor). It will facilitate further treatment at place near patient home.

NOTE: Participation in supervision does not replace regular treatment or TCM  therapy with your doctor / therapist  – the role of foreign professor is not to give regular treatment. Having  a consultation by the professor it is not synonymous with the fact that the patient will be admitted again on the next supervision.

The price of supervision for the patient: 400 zł.
NOTE: Pre-registration for the patient to be approved needs a bank transfer on Chinese Medcine Centre account No: 37 2490 0005 0000 4500 6820 6911 with title of payment: supervision of Prof …. [NAME]) or cash at the reception. Reimbursement of payment (due to cancellation of visit) is possible not later than 2 weeks prior supervision. Participation in the supervision is in the order of payments, if there are vacancies. Number of admissions is limited.

The possibility of cancellation of supervision:
as a supervisions  are organized on the occasion of courses taught by foreign lecturers, in the case of course cancelation the supervision is also canceled. Enrolled patients are informed about 1 month earlier and all fees will be returned in cash or bank transfer.  It is also possible to book another appointment with professor if available.

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Chinese Medical Centre

address: ul. Warszawska 1
31-155 Kraków, Pologne
See a map
telephone: +48 884 988 887